Sean is fortunate to live in central Vermont with his wife and their son. He has a strong love for the outdoors and enjoys any opportunity to get out and explore the back roads and backwoods of Vermont.
Living in central Vermont gives him year-round inspiration for photography. Within a short drive of his home he has access to Vermont's beautiful Green Mountains and at the same time, some of the most photogenic farms and natural landscapes in New England.
Photography is an all-consuming passion for him. His exposure to photography began at a very early age watching and helping his mother develop black and white images in her darkroom. His knowledge of photography is mostly self-taught. Sean has a B.A. in History; part of his love for photography comes from his fascination of history and trying to preserve the natural beauty of the world around him.
His passion is landscape photography. The picturesque mountains, streams, and lakes of Vermont—along with the historic architecture and farms tucked in amongst the Vermont landscape provide wonderful subjects to photograph. Add in the changing seasons and he is presented with unlimited inspiration.
© Sean Farrington Photography | Vermont Photographer